The caption on this picture says, "Sharon and baby screen-saver, Easter 2014." So that was two years ago and you'd be amazed how much my desk today looks just like this. A couple of small differences but not many. There's nothing to identify it as an Easter picture except the caption but I'll take it at its word.
I was looking at Easter photos to get my thoughts in order for a quickly approaching Easter 2016. I found pictures of the eggs I decorated in 2010.
They're not very nice but as with so many other things, if you make them part of a bigger picture, they can look quite lovely:
Those eggs were punctured on both ends and had the innards blown out of them. That was fun. I think I may have to do it again and colour some more eggs this year.
The 2010 eggs are still in use though. This was 2014:
Junior always enjoys settling in on a festive table and didn't mind sharing with the eggs and the bunny:
Some things are part of Easter every year. We always cut a branch of forsythia and bring it into the house about a week before Easter (depending on when Easter is, of course.) If our timing is right on, the forsythia rewards us on Easter Day:
We always bring home a beautiful Easter lily:
We always have some devilled eggs (and lots of other good things too — that's smoked salmon with a bit of herbed cream cheese and cucumber):
We're Catholic so we do a lot of Church as well and we manage to reconcile the bunnies and the eggs with the greatest feast of Christianity. We accept that a lot of what we celebrate are the pagan rites of Spring (and we often celebrate them in the snow) but just as Santa and the elves are happily bound together with the birth of the baby Jesus, so do all the signs and symbols of Easter — pagan and otherwise — make for a joyful and traditional festival.
It all gets underway this coming week!
Loved it!