Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Pass the maple syrup, please, it's pancakes

We observed the movable feast known as Shrove Tuesday with a modest repast.

Shrove Tuesday is the day we eat pancakes on the eve of Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Lent? Wasn't it just Christmas? It's an early Lent this year so we can almost guarantee a snowy Easter after 40 days of Lenten penitence.

The tradition of pancakes comes from the necessity of using up eggs, sugar, milk, fats — all of which, added to some flour (don't forget salt and baking powder) is the recipe for a nice plain pancake.

I usually try to make some different pancakes each year also. These ones are made with ricotta cheese, some lemon zest and lemon juice.

Their texture is different because the eggs are separated; the whites are whipped to stiff peaks and folded into the batter. This makes a lovely light pancake.

Ready to be served: Bon appetit!

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